Pay later

Buy now, pay how and when convenient for you

No waiting. Get what you need today, try it out, and start paying how and when right for you.


Get what you love now, and pay later

Saving up for your purchases is great. Increasing the money in your pocket by paying in smaller parts is even better. Split payments into equal parts and start paying next month.


Split the cost

Pay in equal installments by choosing the suitable monthly payment for you.

No waiting

With our fast credit decisions you're in and out in a matter of minutes.

Quick and easy

No waiting. Start enjoying your purchase today.

Smart financing without leaving your home bank

Welcome to the future of banking – beautifully simple, 100% digital, and trusted by millions.

Banking license-backed

Save and spend with confidence knowing your investments are safe with us.

500,000+ satisfied clients across Europe

Happy returning customers all over Europe trust us as their finance partner.

Simple solutions to every financing need

Fast and convenient digital services accessible wherever you are.

We’re a trusted partner to 5,800+ retailers in Europe

Quick and easy

Take these simple steps to buy what you need and pay your preferred way.


Look for Inbank

Make sure you see the Inbank logo at the checkout or in the physical store.


Pick a solution

Decide which pay later solution fits you best.


Complete the purchase

Fill in your details, confirm your identity, and sign the contract.


Planning a bigger purchase?

Explore your options using our Small loan with a limit of up to 70 000 zł and a maximum period of 72 months.


Careers at Inbank

Make the smart move

We’re always on the lookout for driven and enthusiastic people. If you love what you do, and want to elevate your career, come and climb the highest tops with us.